Landscape design: What criterion should be maintained?

Criterion or principle is a guide for you in designing your dream landscape. Below are some tips and guidance that you may follow while setting up your landscape design. Actually there are still many more and you can make your own research. However you can read point below for the basic starter.
1. Consistency
We can translate this as having a specific theme ( Bali , Zen , modernistic , simple , etc.) or simply be consistent in choosing the plant in terms of color ( green , bright colors , etc. ) , height ( 5 feet higher , more lower than the knee , etc. ) , nature ( vines, tropical etc) and so on . It is about giving the main expression of our landscape.

2. Equilibrium
 It's about symmetry in the landscape; example palm trees on both sides of the entrance have the same number of trees on both sides of the garden and so on. Actually “imbalance” is also a concept or principle in the design of the landscape; the abstract form or "free - form" (free -form) but still consistent. For example, the form of the flower - bed free-form but have the same flower color in it. Or if we have a row of palm trees green and we interval with red palm at random intervals so that the color is more vibrant without monotony.

3. Colors
Color is the main reason why we choose certain flowers or plants. Bright colors like red, yellow and orange will look closer and cool colors such as green, blue and pastel will look far. So if planting brightly colored plants in front and behind the soft color, the page may appear larger.

4. Line.
This is on the fence, road, bridge, stone arrangements or flower bed design. We want straight or wavy? What is the theme of our landscape?

5. Rate or proportion
This is the principle on the size of the materials in the landscape design. If a small area of ​​your landscape and you will use a small tree why suddenly there is a huge sculpture in the middle? Leave all plants, and landscape so you have size at the same rate.

6. Deuteronomy
This concept with the principle of ' consistency ' last. Just remember one thing; too much of one color or a plant to be boring. But too many types or variety will cause the landscape looks like a check and do not have a plan.

All in all this does not mean that this is final. There are many other intellectuals in there that will have an idea or principle design their own landscape. Hope these landscape ideas could give you something to start with. Have fun.


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