Backyard Landscape Design: Learn 5 FREE TIPS on How You Can Build Your Small Pond.

1. Measure Your Area.
First of all you need to measure how large are you area. Then you need to identify which area your pond to be put in place. Make sure the area selected has an access, easy for maintenance and of course it is good in location (nice view).  If you're going to use a filter or pump, make sure there is an electric power supply available.  A good tips for you to follow, please do not build your pond under a tree or a place that is difficult to access because this require a complex design, it will involve an additional maintenance and extra cost.

 2. Do Marking For Area Selected.
You can do some marking and sketch out the area of your pond. You can draw on a piece of paper first, make you study and finalize your design. Once you have confirmed, you can transfer it on the location you have decided. You can use any existing material to do marking such as a rope, extension cords or garden hoses to lay out the outline of your pond and streams. Ask help from your family members, you need to adjust the size and shape until you are happy with the look. Also make sure you leave enough surrounding area around you pond for adequate landscaping. If everything is satisfactory, take the spray paint and use it to paint the outline of your pond. Make sure the paint color is correct so that you can have a good marking.

3. Pond Excavation.
Basically to excavate the pond is not so difficult. Everything is depends on your landscape pond design. If your pond design is small and simple you just can dig your pond with ordinary shovel only. Otherwise if your ponds design involving a big area and a bit complex you can rent a back hoe for the job. If you plan to have a plant shelves in your pond than your pond should be dug with a variety of depth. In order for you to build these shelves, you need to hand dig the edges of the pond with a shovel to get the chiseled edges you desire. It is advisable on having your perimeter edge 3" to 5" (7-12cm) over the desired water level of the pond. Your pond depth is recommended to have at least 2 feet deep. A good tips for you to follow, please verify that there are not any buried utilities such as water pipe line, gas line or etc near the area you plan to dig.

4. Make a Pond Slither (Skimmer).
The function of skimmer is to ensure your pond water level is always at the correct level when it is full. While you are digging your pond you can at the same time dig a place for skimmer. The perfect set up is having the water level 1" (2.5cm) below the top of the throat in the skimmer. Once your water level has been determined, you should set the height for the skimmer. You should have your skimmer nearly directly across from your filter or the discharge of your stream in order to provide good flow and allow the skimmer to work its best.

5. Pond Underlayment Installation
 Before installing you just check your newly excavated area to make sure it is free of any sharp objects that could puncture the liner. Once you satisfactory you can start with the installing project. For you to install the underlayment is very easy. You just unfold and place the underlayment into the pond. If there is more than one section, be sure to overlap them a few inches. Do your best to make the underlayment conform to the shape of your pond and plant shelves. Do not trim the extra underlayment until you have filled the pond.

Now your pond is ready to be full with water. You just need to add your accessories to the pond and start to do landscaping around your pond. You can start to add suitable plants, flowers or maybe a fish. You can do your own research and find more tips on how to decorate your ponds.


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