Gardening and Landscaping: Why Nutrients In The Soil Is Important?

What is soil definition? How important is the soil for our plants, flowers and our landscape? Soil can be defined as an ordinary section comprised of solids (minerals and organic matter), liquid, and gases. Soil section is differentiated by horizons and layers. Soil layers can be classified into four section and they are Top Soil, Upper Soil, Middle Soil, and Bottom Soil.

The top layer is called the organic layer. This layer is about an inch thick and. the organic layer is rich in nutrients. If you dig more than an inch or two deep, you might be past this layer already. The upper soil layer is where you will find many plant roots, this soil is dark in color and this layer is usually about a foot deep. The middle soil layer has less living activity. The soil here has less air and do not grow well here. The last layer is bottom layer. In this layer you will find that the soil may have an orange or yellowish color. It may be sandier or have more gray clay. At this point I believed you already understand where you plant’s root end pit stop will be right.

Now the question is why are we needed to know all of this? The answer is simple. It is NUTRIENT; any plants need nutrient to grow.  Best soil quality contains good nutrient for our plant. As a result our plant, flower, grass, tress and so on will grow nicely within our landscape. And the beauty of the garden or landscape will be revealed.

Nutrient content is the amount of the particular chemicals that plants use (N, P, K, S, Fe, etc) this can be determined by a soil nutrient analysis. It can be improved by adding fertilizer with the appropriate ingredients. Nutrient availability has to do with how well a plant can uptake said nutrients and issues like soil pH and carbon/nitrogen ratio can affect availability. Now you already know how important a nutrient for your garden soil right. Here I would like to share with you a free tips how you can increase your soil nutrient.

Do you know Hair? Yes the things that grows on your head. Well, for your information apparently hair is 30 times more nitrogen than manure fertilizer. So if you have a hair problem and it always getting off from your head do not get sad because your plat’s soil need it. You don’t just throw it away. Perhaps you can try to apply it into your plant’s soil. I believe the nutrient content will drastically increase.

It is good to have a tea time and gathering with family members while watching good scenery of our beautiful landscape. Just in case you cannot finish your tea don’t throw it into your basin. Maybe you can try this tip. Just watered your flower’s soil using your water cold tea, it is learn that the tea helps provide a lot of mineral into to potted plants.

If you have an ornamental pond and you plan to carry out cleaning. You can use the pond resources to water all your landscape plants. Do you know that a dirt pond tasty food for your soil. Nutrients contained will be absorbed by your plants. Do you know Aquaponic?

The basic principle of exchange is the same.Now you already know few tips you can apply to increase nutrient for your plant's soil. 


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