Garden FREE Tips: How To Remove Weeds !!!

Weeds are the plant of the grass family that grows wild in almost all areas, especially in open areas. It also can thrive in less fertile areas. It is known as the most stubborn kind of grass and it is not easy to destroy this tree, as a result it can create unattractive scenery to our landscape view. Only some types of pesticides that can be used to kill weeds trees.

If weeds grow on the farm or garden, it will interfere with other crops. This plant has a very fast growth rate compared with grass or other plants. They reproduce quickly and unnoticed because propagation through its roots is in the ground. It also reproduces by seeds blown by the wind at a considerable distance.

I would like to share with you free tips on how you can remove the unwanted weeds easily. I hope this tips can help you to take good care of your garden and protect your landscape so that you will never lose the beauty of your dream landscape.

You can start with identifying the weeds you want to remove, so you do not accidentally pull beneficial or desirable plants while you work. This step is so easy you just take a look at your plants the damage one or any wild grass or indefinable growth can be considered as a weed. The simple one if you see your landscape and you noticed something weird plant is growing then it is also can be a wild weed.

Before you carry this job you also need to consider the hazards when pulling the weed .Here are some dangers involved in this apparently safe activity. You need to beware of toxic plants, including stinging nettles, poison ivy, oak, and sumac, and plants you may be allergic to. Be aware of insects that may inhabit your garden or lawn. Spiders, bees, wasps, ants, and other potentially dangerous insects may be encountered while enjoying this activity. Watch for snakes if you live in an area they frequent. Understand your own limitations. Weed-pulling can be back-breaking work, so be careful not to overdo it. Wear sunscreen and keep hydrated while you work if you are working in hot weather and/or bright sunshine.

Get your safety protective equipment first such as a pair of gardening gloves, face mask or face cover if you like. You may also want to get a sharp pointed gardening spade and a cushion to protect your knees while you work. The time also is important, you are advisable to choose the right time for the task. Pulling weeds is much easier when the ground is wet, so working soon after a rain will make the job easier. The soil strength was weakening by water so it is easy for you to pull out the weed together with the root.

Here are the techniques you can grab the weed at the base of the main stem as far down as possible. Then grip the bottom of the weed tightly and pull it sharply out of the ground. Continue until you have done this with all the weeds leaving you with a weed-free garden. Use a pointed tool to loosen the soil around the weed's roots if necessary, to make removing it easier. Collect the weeds and dispose of them so their seeds are not reintroduced into your lawn or garden.

That is all you need to do. If you are unable to carry out this task alone you always can ask help from your family members. This could be a fun and healthy activity, but please put safety first in mind before do the task.

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